Wiring Harness

Wire harnesses are assemblies of electrical cables that transmit signals in electrical applications. They are a bundle of loose wires grouped together into a single covering for a more organized system. Such wire harnesses are used in various industries, with the automotive industry being one of the largest consumers.

Automotive wire harnesses use a wide variety of wire harnesses for the best possible performance. These harnesses combine wiring of different electrical and electronic devices into a single system. Therefore, they aid in signal transmission and powering up of different electronic and electrical devices. They are also use to set up electrical circuits in automobiles, and are designed to operate in extreme conditions effectively.


A controller is a comparative device that receives an input signal from a measured process variable, compares this value with that of a predetermined control point value (set point), and determines the appropriate amount of output signal required by the final control element to provide corrective action within a control loop. An Electronic Controller uses electrical signals and digital algorithms to perform its receptive, comparative and corrective functions.

In modern era controller are used everywhere for better user experience and to give full controlled systems.

Air Conditioner Relay Board

AC Relay Boards are basically circuit by which blower and condenser are controlled by controller. Each relay have it’s own function and every relay is used to operate AC mechanism.

There are many model according to function and vehicle types.


Industry Focused Products!

MDI Controller

MDI controller is known as maximum demand controller, the main work of MDI controller is to maintain safe switching of high voltage current.

capacitor box

Capacitor box is used to maintain voltage fluctuation, they uses high farad capacitor to maintain minimum frequency current flow.

Mega fuse box

Mega Fuse Box is used to safe your circuit from high current it has power to bear approx 200Amp load.

battery Cable

Battery cable are used to connect circuit with battery or any poer source, it can easily bear high current load.

yanmar engine box

Yanmar engine box is used to operate yanmar engine functions. Yanmar engine is main unit for yanmar engines it changes ac volt to dc volt to start engine.

Testing Jigs (customized)

Customized testing jigs is used to test functionality of your product , we make testing jigs with use of embedded technology and micro controllers.

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